
Wednesday 19 September 2012

Mexican Architect Teodoro González de León awarded with Fine Arts (INBA) Medal

Teodoro González de León awarded with Fine Arts (INBA) Medal Sep, 2012- picture credit by El Colegio Nacional  
Congratulations to Mexican architect Teodoro González de León who has been awarded with the prestigious Fine Arts (INBA) medal. He participated in the urban development program of Barra de Navidad Jalisco back in 1958.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

San Antonio de Padua - Barra de Navidad Patron Saint Festivities

San Antonio de Padua - Barra de Navidad Patron Saint Festivities
  Barra de Navidad festejando a su Santo Patrono San Antonio de Padua. 

Programa y fotos cortesía del Padre Cesar Hernández :
 "Hoy es el mero día. Si Dios y San Antonio lo permiten, tendremos: 
             -Peregrinación iniciando en la entrada de Barra, en la esquina del campo de futbol. 7:00 pm
             -La misa solemne a las 8:00 p.m.
             -9:00 p.m. En el Jardín, la presentación del Ballet Xalisco y el cantante Joel Castillo.
             -10:30 p.m. Un vistoso Castillo, algunos toritos y música con Banda, para amenizar la fiesta.
Los esperamos.
San Antonio de Padua, Ruega por nosotros."

- June 13            7:00 pm Pilgrimage starts by the football field in Nueva España Ave.

                          8:00 pm Solemn Mass
                          9:00 pm Verbena performing Ballet Xalixco and Singer Joel Castillo
                         10:30 pm Mexican Fireworks, toritos and traditional Mexican Banda music.

San Antonio de Padua - Fiestas Patronales en Barra de Navidad, Jalisco

Monday 4 June 2012

Transit of Venus - 13 baktún. Tránsito de Venus frente al Sol - Live online by Mexico INAH and Canal22

Transit of Venus astronomical event that won't be seen again soon, as the next will happen in more than 100 years.
The National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) and Mexican Canal 22 will broadcast live online the program 13 baktún - Transit of Venus.
During this program there will be information and interviews  about the Mayan calendars and its relation with astronomical phenomena like this one, and also the transit of Venus. There will be a special coverage from the archaelogical site of Mayapan, a mayan city where there is evidence that the Maya observed at least one transit of Venus (Maya observations of 13th century transits of Venus Jesús Galindo Trejo and Christine Allen).
13 baktún - From Wikipedia baktun (properly b'ak'tun) is 20 katun cycles of the ancient Maya Long Count Calendar. It contains 144,000 days, equal to 394.26 tropical years. The Classic period of Maya civilization occurred during the 8th and 9th baktuns of the current calendrical cycle. The current (13th) baktun will end, or be completed, on (December 21, 2012 using the GMT correlation). This also marks the beginning of the 14th baktun, as such a term is usually used among Mayanists.

Full information about the program by INAH on this article: Programa 13 baktún. Tránsito de Venus frente al Sol

The program will be live online from 17:00 to 19:00 in the following channels:


Live stream by Ustream

Agencia N22

Live streaming by Ustream

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Hurricane Bud : Tracking Map | Weather Underground

Hurricane Bud : Storm-Centered Satellite Image | Weather Underground

Hurricane Bud : Tracking Map | Weather Underground

Hurricane Bud : Public Advisory | Weather Underground


SMN Servicio Metereológico Nacional en Vivo (

Live video by Ustream

Hurricane Tracking Map

Telefonos de Emergencia / Emergency Phone numbers - Protección Civil Cihuatlan

Que contiene la mochila de emergencia

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Carlos Fuentes 1928-2012

Carlos Fuentes 19280-2012

Lamentamos profundamente el sensible fallecimiento del gran escritor Mexicano Carlos Fuentes.

Fragmento de "Los Hijos del Conquistador" de "El Naranjo" de Carlos Fuentes: 

"...El encuentro del desierto y el mar, los cactos inmensos y el mar transparente, el sol redondo como una naranja... Ese fue su otro gusto. Recordó que al llegar a Yucatán lo deslumbró ver un naranjo cuyas semillas trajeron hasta allí los dos náufragos desleales, Aguilar y Guerrero. Ahora mi propio padre, humillado por el sátrapa de Xalisco, el asesino Nuño de Guzmán, debió reembarcarse en la Barra de Navidad y navegar hasta la bahía de Acapulco, a donde desembarcó para seguir a México. Tuvo una idea. Le pidió semillas de naranjo al contramaestre de a bordo. Se guardó un puñado en su faltriquera. Pero en la costa acapulqueña buscó un lugar bien sombreado y frente al mar cavó hondo y plantó las semillas del naranjo."

Thursday 10 May 2012

Saturday 5 May 2012

Cinco de Mayo 150th Anniversary Celebrations - Live

Watch live online from Puebla Mexico the Cinco de Mayo 150th Anniversary Celebrations of the Battle of Puebla

11:00 am Cinco de Mayo parade live in Puebla Mexico
07:00 pm  "Hace 150 años, Crónica de la Batalla de Puebla" with Mexican Writer Carlos Fuentes

Watch live streaming video from 5demayopuebla at

Monday 16 April 2012

ECOBANA's Sea Turtle Preservation Program Fundraising Campaign in Navidad Bay - Barra de Navidad, Melaque, Playa del Coco

ECOBANA''s Turtle Program Fundraising Campaign in Navidad Bay - Barra de Navidad, Melaque, Playa del Coco

ECOBANA Navidad Bay Ecological Group Fundraising campaign  
Sea Turtle Preservation and Conservation Program
April 15 - June 15 2012

ECOBANA Navidad Bay Ecological Group is organizing a first fundraising campaign to collect funds for the Sea Turtle Preservation and Conservation Program in the Navidad Bay, located in the Costalegre area  of the Mexican Pacific Coast.

The activities and programs for the preservation of the sea turtle by ECOBANA group are located in the Sea Turtle Hatchery in the Barra de Navidad malecon. ECOBANA group has a nesting area where the sea turtle eggs are transplanted from the original nests of the marine sea turtles that arrive to the Barra de Navidad Bay during the moon effects starting in July through November.

ECOBANA Group is a non-profit environmental organization formed by a group of volunteers who don't receive any salary or payment. Voluntary donations either economical or of equipment by the assistants to this and any other events will help Grupo ECOBANA to pay expenses and equipment generated to support this program. 

Donations can be brought to the Barra de Navidad Delegation office located in Veracruz Ave. #179 2nd. floor.  right by the Barra de Navidad jardin.

For further information about Sea Turtle Preservation or any other program contact ECOBANA Group Director Sidronio Madero, in the Sea Turtle Hatchery in the Barra de Navidad Malecon or in the Barra de Navidad Delegation office.

Please Help me!! - ECOBANA fundraising campaign for the Sea Turtle Preservation Program in Navidad Bay - Mexican Pacific Coast 

ECOBANA Sea Turtle Preservation Program - Mexican Pacific Coast - Barra de Navidad, Jalisco
ECOBANA Sea Turtle Preservation Program - Mexican Pacific Coast - Barra de Navidad, Jalisco


Sunday 8 April 2012

Easter in Mexico - Jalisco - Barra de Navidad and Melaque

Palm Sunday in Barra de Navidad - Easter in Mexico
Gorgeous Sunset in Barra de Navidad Jalisco - Easter in Mexico  
Day at the Melaque beach - Easter in Mexico  
Potato chips with tons of chile sauce  - Barra de Navidad beach -  Easter in Mexico  
A delicious Tostada - Cenaduria in Melaque -  Easter in Mexico  
AMariachi Loco band at Mary's Restaurant in Colimilla -  Easter in Mexico  
Shrimp Empanadas Mary's Restaurant in Colimilla -  Easter in Mexico  
Devil Shrimps Mary's Restaurant in Colimilla - Easter in Mexico  
Barra de Navidad beach -  Easter in Mexico  
Holy Thursday, Barra de Navidad church  - Easter in Mexico  
Barra de Navidad lagoon - Eastr in Mexico 

Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad - Easter in Mexico  
Barra de Navidad beach - Easter in Mexico  
Melaque beach - Ester in Mexico
Melaque beach - Ester in Mexico  
Fried Fish with garlic - Concha del Mar Restaurant in Melaque - Easter in Mexico
Gorgeous Moon -  Barra de Navidad - Easter in Mexico
Easter Sunday in Barra de Navidad church -  Easter in Mexico  
A beautiful Day in Barra de Navidad beach  -  Easter in Mexico  
Visiting Mexico? Stay at Casa Las Margaritas in Barra de Navidad
Barra de Navidad lagoon - Easter in Mexico
Delicious fresh fruit from the region - Barra de Navidad, Jalisco - Ester in Mexico
Delicious Grilled Red Snapper fish at El Manglito Restaurant in Barra de Navidad - Easter in Mexico
Tasty!! Tripe Tacos at Tacos "El Pillo" in Barra de Navidad - Easter in Mexico
Visiting Mexico? Stay at Casa Las Margaritas in Barra de Navidad

Friday 6 April 2012

Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad Jalisco

Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad Jalisco
Roman Soldiers - Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad Jalisco  
Roman Soldiers - Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad Jalisco  
Roman Soldiers - Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad Jalisco  
VII Estación - Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad  - Jesús cae por la segunda vez  
Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad   
The Good and the Bad Criminals - Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad   
IX Estación - Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad   

IX Estación - Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad  


IX Estación - Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad - Jesús es ayudado por el cirineo a llevar la cruz 
X Estación- Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad Jalisco   
Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad Jalisco  

X Estación- Easter in Mexico - Good Friday - Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad Jalisco - Despojan a Jesús de sus vestiduras  
XII Estación -Easter in Mexico - Good Friday -Living Way of the Cross (Viacrucis) in Barra de Navidad Jalisco - Jesús muere en la Cruz