
Monday 9 December 2013

Helping Indigenous Migrant Children Workers and their Families in Mexico - Asistencia a la Familia - Albergue Villa Pinal

Helping Indigenous Migrant Children Workers and their Families in Mexico

Albergue Villa Pinal 

"Asistencia a la Familia" 

More Than Just Feeding Indigenous Children

Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
"Son nuestros hermanos, nuestra sangre, todos tenemos algo de indígena, y en consecuencia, debemos asumir la responsabilidad de preservar su legado y garantizar sus derechos" / "They are our brothers, our blood, all of us have something indigenous, and therefore, we must assume responsibility in preserving their legacy and guarantee their rights"  Antropólogo, investigador de la filosofía e historiador cultural Miguel León Portilla, nombrado Premio Leyenda Viva por La Biblioteca del Congreso de Estados Unidos que será otorgado el próximo 12 de Diciembre, 2013 por primera vez a alguien de nacionalidad extranjera. Texto tomado del artículo publicado en: El Universal  

Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico

Click:  Miguel León-Portilla  To learn more about the anthropologist, historian, and the world's foremost authority on Náhuatl philology and philosophy most recently presented with the prestigious Living Legend Award by the Library of Congress. 

Following the example of Miguel León-Portilla and Fernando Benítez there are organizations in Mexico helping indigenous groups who live and work in the hardest of and poorest conditions. One of them is the Albergue of Pinal Villa.

The following information has been provided by Bruce Campbell: "  The Albergue of Pinal Villa in the hamlet of Pinal Villa, inland from Melaque, Jalisco in Mexico is a collection of buildings that serve as residences, a school, and a medical clinic for indigenous Mexicans families from the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca who migrate during the winter months to work picking crops in the fields around Melaque. 

The children of these families join the parents in picking crops and do not attend regular school hours.... The albergue help these families during the months the live in the area helping them to alleviate their very hard and poor living conditions.

The albergue and all services provided are managed by "Asistencia a la familia de Cihuatlan A.C." a charity registered with the Mexican government... The Albergue at Pinal Villa was constructed in 2008/2009. It has since served to house up to 16 families of the dozens who come to work in the area, plus to provide basic medical care for residents and rudimentary schooling for the children... "

How to Help:

For more information about Albergue at Pinal Villa and how to help email: Bruce Campbell 
Click in the link for => "Villa Pinal Albergue" List of Needed Items  

Dr. Rosa and a hairdresser lady who come to help sometimes  - Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
Dr. Rosa with a migrant child i her consultorio at the albergue clinic - Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
Dr. Rosa Vivas Alcaraz the prime mover of the Albergue Villa Pinal who practices medicine in Melaque during the winter months. Dr. Rosa has attempted to insist that the children not work at all in the fields and attend school during the day.
 Community Kitchen - Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
A New Time for Mexico by Mexican Writer Carlos Fuentes : "... The Indians of Mexico are part of our polycultural and multiracial community. To forget them is to forget ourselves and condemn ourselves to eventual oblivion..... " / Tiempo Nuevo Mexicano de Carlos Fuentes: "... Los indios de México son parte de nuestra comunidad policultural y multirracial. Olvidarlos es condenarnos al olvido de nosotros mismos ".

Carlos Fuentes artículo de El País  "... Fernando Benítez escribió sobre los indios a sabiendas de que muchos de ellos se estaban muriendo poco a poco, víctimas del abuso, la injusticia, la soledad, la miseria y el alcohol. La pregunta de Benítez nos concierne a todos: ¿Cómo salvar los valores de estas culturas, salvándolas de la injusticia? ¿Pueden mantenerse los valores del mundo indígena, lado a lado con los avances del progreso moderno y la norma nacional del mestizaje?  [] ...La lectura de Los indios de México (de Fernando Benítez) crea en nosotros la conciencia de que nuestros primeros habitantes son parte de nuestra comunidad policultural. La justicia que ellos reciban será inseparable de la que nos rija a nosotros mismos. [] ".

Dr. Rosa with Juan Rubio delegado in Villa Obregón filming a video for the local TV channel Canal 10 Melaque - Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
Volunteers Roxane David, Mural Artist Ed Gillams and singer Miguel Ángel Pardo a volunteers musician - Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
Hermila the albergue cook Kitchen volunteer  - Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
Computer volunteer - Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
Volunteer Bruce Campbell teaching kids about computers -  Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
typical casica kitchen inside of the tiny apartments -  Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
Inside f the tiny apartments - Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
Front of two apartments - Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
Volunteer Michele Tomich talking about the Christmas posada for the children - Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
New mural dedication  - Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
Dr. Rosa showing the bathroom for girls - Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico
Diet schedule - Albergue Villa Pinal Hostel for Indigenous Migrant Workers "Asistencia a la Familia A.C."  Melaque, Jal. Mexico

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